Welcome to the Sega8bit.com Top 100 SMS games. For some time now, our forum visitors have been casting their votes for their top 20 games. These have been tallied and the results are now ready to be revealed. What surprises might be in store? Find out, as we count down the fans chosen Top 100 Sega Master System games.

Last updated: January 2012

Position Game Name Total Points
=95 Mortal Kombat II 15
=95 Kung Fu Kid 15
=95 Wimbledon II 15
=95 World Class Leaderboard 15
=95 Road Rash 15
=95 Danan: The Jungle Fighter 15
=93 Shadow of the Beast 16
=93 Shanghai 16
=91 Assault City 17
=91 Baku Baku 17
=89 Wimbledon 18
=89 Scramble Spirits 18
=86 Street Fighter II' 19
=86 Sensible Soccer 19
=86 T2: The Arcade Game 19
=81 Rainbow Islands 20
=81 My Hero 20
=81 Spy vs Spy 20
=81 Bomber Raid 20
=81 Spellcaster 20
=75 Gain Ground 21
=75 Choplifter 21
=75 Alex Kidd: High Tech World 21
=75 Cosmic Spacehead 21
=75 Masters of Combat 21
=75 Alex Kidd: The Losts Stars 21
=73 Slap Shot 22
=73 Daffy Duck in Hollywood 22
=71 Dynamite Headdy 23
=71 Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine 23
=69 Tennis Ace 24
=69 New Zealand Story 24
=67 Jurassic Park 25
=67 Secret Command 25
66 Black Belt 26
=64 R.C. Grand Prix 27
=64 Teddy Boy 27
=61 Schtroumpfs, Les 28
=61 Golden Axe 28
=61 Asterix and the Great Rescue 28
=58 Rescue Mission 29
=58 Battle Out Run 29
=58 Aztec Adventure 29
=56 Psychic World 30
=56 Mortal Kombat 30
=54 Pit Pot 32
=54 Hang On 32
=52 Streets of Rage 33
=52 RoboCop vs. The Terminator 33
51 Sagaia 34
=46 Lemmings 36
=46 Ninja Gaiden 36
=46 Double Dragon 36
=46 Power Strike 36
=46 Putt & Putter 36
=44 Ghouls 'n Ghosts 38
=44 Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos 38
=41 Action Fighter 39
=41 Olympic Gold 39
=41 Prince of Persia 39
40 Wonder Boy in Monster World 41
=38 Desert Strike 42
=38 Columns 42
37 Master of Darkness 43
=35 Operation Wolf 44
=35 Fantastic Dizzy 44
34 Asterix and the Secret Mission 45
33 Psycho Fox 48
32 Populous 49
31 Zillion 54
=29 Space Harrier 55
=29 Miracle Warriors: Seal of The Dark Lord 55
28 Out Run 60
27 Kenseiden 71
26 Enduro Racer 72
25 Star Wars 74
24 Y's: The Vanished Omens 76
23 Wonder Boy 77
22 Asterix 80
21 The Ninja 82

So there's the countdown of games 100-21. Populous was a surprise to me, coming in a lot higher than expected. All of the Asterix games feature quite highly but none quite make the top 20. So, some fantastic games such as Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Ninja Gaiden, Master of Darkness and classics such as Psycho Fox, Wonder Boy and Double Dragon didn't make the cut. Find out which games did...

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