List of all unreleased SMS games known or rumoured to have been in development.
Thanks to playgeneration, Bock, adol, Tonto, kungfukid, dezaneube & Phil for additions, corrections & scans.

Arch Rivals (Sega)
Listed in the "Master System: Les Jeux 1992 - 1993" booklet (scanned at SMS Power), also reviewed in Sega Pro (scan) alongside several screenshots. Game Gear version was released.

Bugs Bunny (Sega)
Listed as "coming soon" in "Master System Les Jeux 1992-1993". Game Gear version was released.

Captain Planet (unknown)
Mentioned in a 1994 French mag (mag??, issue ??, month ??) as being one of the last Master System games in development.

CJ Elephant Fugitive (Codemasters)
Mentioned on last page of Micro Machines instruction manual alongside several screenshots, and also previewed in Sega Power issue 48 (scan). Game Gear version was released.

Cliffhanger (Sony Imagesoft)
Reported as in development in issue 5 of Sega Master Force.

Cube World (Sega)
Listed as "coming soon" in the 1988 Mastertronic catalogue. No further details known.

Die Hard II (Grandslam)
Listed in "Master System: Les Jeux 1992-1993" and reviewed in issue 1 of Sega Pro (11/91) alonside a couple of screenshots (scan).

Dinobasher featuring BigNose the Caveman (Codemasters)
Reviewed in Sega Power (March 1994) (scan). Prototype owned, dumped & released by Bock.

Dragon's Revenge (Tengen)
An interview with Dan Van Elderen, Tengen's Chief Operating Officer , in issue 5 of Sega Master Force (11/93), states that SMS, MD & GG versions of this were planned. Only the MegaDrive version was released.

Drop Zone (Codemasters)
Advertised for release (where??), and rumours of proto copies have circulated for a while. GameGear version was released.

Duck Tales (Sega)
Listed as "Coming Soon" in "Les Jeux Master System 1992"

Excellent Dizzy Collection (Codemasters)
Compilation of 3 Dizzy games (Dizzy the Adventurer, Go! Dizzy Go! and Panic Dizzy). Bock has an early & incomplete proto. Complete version released on Game Gear.

Fire & Forget
Confirmed by programmer Gil Espeche as being ported to the Master System as a test.

Global Golf (Codemasters)
Listed as "In the pipeline" in Sega Power (July '94) and briedly mentioned alongside a screenshot in Spanish mag Hobby Consoles (scan). Possibly became 'Ernie Els Golf' on the Game Gear?

Godfather, The (US Gold)
Reviewed by German mag Video Games (scan) in February 1993 with several screenshots and also advertised as "coming soon" from US Gold (where?)

Hook (Sony Imagesoft)
The circulating ROM was provided by it's programmer, Mark Tailor.

Hurricanes (US Gold)
Listed as 'In the pipeline' in Sega Power (July 1994). Game Gear version was released.

Impossible Mission 2 (Epyx)
Mentioned in issue 8 of 'S' Magazine (scan).

Itchy & Scratchy Game The (Acclaim)
Listed as due for a March '94 release in issue 6 of Sega Master Force (12/93). GameGear version was released.

Judge Dredd (Acclaim)
Listed (inaccurately?) on the Olivers Brothers website as being developed by Interactive Studios (see here). A Game Gear version was released.

Kawasaki Superbikes (Domark)
Listed as being in development in issue 5 of Sega Master Force (11/93). A GameGear version was released.

Last Action Hero (Sony Imagesoft)
Reviewed by the Spanish mag 'Hobby Consoles' (scan: page 1,2) alongside several screenshots. Released on Game Gear.

Lemmings 2 (Sega)
Confirmed as being completed by programmer Mark Tailor. Reviewed by Sega Power (scan) alongside a couple of screenshots.

Light Corridor(Infogrames)
Included on several older online lists of games, and appears on a list of SMS cheats compiled by Clint Dyer, presumably in error.

Light Force
Included on several older online lists of games, and appears on a list of SMS cheats compiled by Clint Dyer, presumably in error.

Marko's Magic Football (Domark)
Listed as being in development in issue 5 of Sega Master Force (11/93). A GameGear version was released.

Maze Hunter 3D II (Sega)
This has been on SMS Rumour lists for years and was presumably mentioned somewhere, but I've no idea what the original source was.

Moonball (Sega)
Discussed in an SMS Power thread as being included in a list of forthcoming Mark III titles in Japanese mag 'Gameboy' (Nov '87).

NBA Jam (Acclaim)
Listed as available in Sega Power (Summer 1995). Released on Game Gear.

Confirmed by programmer Gil Espeche as being developed in Master System form aswell as GameGear. GG prototype has been dumped & released.

Paperboy II (Sega)
Listed as "Coming Soon" in "Master System Les Jeux 1992-1993"

Panic Dizzy (Codemasters)
A listing on the Oliver Twins website suggests this was considered for stand-alone release before being compiled onto the (also unreleased) Excellent Dizzy Collection.

Pat Riley Basketball (Sega)
A few protos are known, and the ROM is easily found. A pre-release box was shown in promo shots (scan 1,2).

Phantasy Star II (Sega)
Slightly incredulously mentioned in issue 32 of Sega Pro (3/94) alongside what appear to be screenshots of Phantasy Star IV (MegaDrive).(scan)

Quarter Back (Sega)
Included in a list of all released SMS games in issue 1 of 'S' Magazine (scan). Possibly refers to American Pro Football?

Rise of the Robots (Acclaim)
Developed by DataDesign (see here). Game Gear version was released.

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Virgin)
Previewed in Joypad & Hobby Consoles magazines (scans: Joypad, Hobby Consoles 1,2) alongside a couple of screenshots.

Simpsons, The: Bartman vs. Radioactive Man (Acclaim)
Previewed in issue 6 of Sega Master Force (12/93) alongside suspiciously NES-like screenshots.

Sonic Chaos 2 (Sega)
Listed as "In the pipeline" in Sega Power (Jul '94). Released on Game Gear only as 'Sonic Triple Trouble'

Spider-man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (Flying Edge)
Fake-looking box shown in a magazine ad. Released on Game Gear.

Sports Pad Soccer (Sega)
Released in Japan, but also advertised as Coming Soon in the US Spring/Summer 1987 Game Catalog Presumably canned when they decided to add Sports-Pad compatibility to the US Great Soccer instead.

Super Basketball (Sega)
A looping 2-screen demo was shown at a 1989 US trade show (CES?) and later found it's way into Bock's hands.

Sylvester & Tweety in Cagey Capers (Tecmagik)
Mentioned in issue 7 of Mean Machines Sega (4/93) alongside a coupel of screenshots (scan).

Tintin on the Moon (Virgin)
Previewed in Sega Power (May '92) & Player 1 (issue?? month??) alongside a few screenshots (scan)

Wild Streets (Titus)
Briefly mentioned in issue 6 of 'S' Magazine (scan). No screenshots

Winter Games (Epyx)
Mentioned in issue 8 of 'S' Magazine (scan).

Woody Pop (Sega)
Released in Japan, but also listed in several early US/Euro catalogues

Games advertised under alternate titles

Combat & Rescue (Sega) Listed as Coming Soon on the back of the "Take Hold Of The Sega Adventure" poster/catalog. Working title for Rescue Mission.

Freedom Fighter (Sega) Listed as "Coming Soon" in 'S' magazine (Aug 1990). Working title for Aerial Assault.

World War 3-D (Sega)
Listed as "coming soon" in the US Spring/Summer 1987 Game Catalog and in the UK 1987 Mastertronic catalogue. Working title for Missile Defense 3-D.

List compiled by anagrama

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