SMS: a visual compendium by Ian
on 05/07/2018
Bitmap Books are back again with a Kickstarter campaign to create an officially-licenced coffee table book for our beloved Sega Master System. The book pays tribute to the amazing art associated with the iconic 8-bit system. Go pledge now to get your copy!
SMS Event 2017 by Ian
on 17/09/2017
The ninth annual SMS event took place on August 5th at the Arcade Club in Bury. As usual, a fantastic time was had by all. Check out the event page for a write-up by forum veteran rupert.
SMS Event 2016 by Ian
on 07/10/2016
The eighth annual SMS event took place on October 1st at Pub/Zoo in Manchester. As usual, a fantastic time was had by all. Check out the event page for photos and competition results.
Cover art tournament by Ian
on 09/01/2016
There is a great variety of box art styles for SMS games, but which is the best? A tournament has been organised over on the forum and members have been casting votes for their favourite cover art. Have your say
SMS Event 2015 by Ian
on 11/08/2015
The seventh annual SMS event took place on August 1st at Pub/Zoo in Manchester. As usual, a fantastic time was had by all. Check out the event page for a video and photos.
The SMS Awards by Ian
on 14/06/2015
The public have been placing their votes in 10 different categories for the Sega Master System Awards. The votes have been counted and results have been revealed in this awards ceremony video. Feel free to discuss the results on the forum.
SMS Event 2014 by Ian
on 02/08/2014
The sixth annual SMS event took place on August 2nd at Pub/Zoo in Manchester. As usual, a fantastic time was had by all. Check out the event page for a video and competition results.
Guide to Secret Command by Ian
on 24/12/2013
I have finally got around to creating a new game guide. This time around, Secret Command gets a full breakdown. There's plenty of tips and secrets to discover. There's even some handy videos. Check it out!
SMS Event 2013 by Ian
on 12/08/2013
The fifth annual SMS event took place on August 10th at The Lass O'Gowrie pub in Manchester. As usual, a fantastic time was had by all. Check out the event page for a video and a write-up by one of our newer forum members.
Games Tournament by Ian
on 11/09/2012
From July 2011 to March 2012 (9 months), the Sega8bit Games Tournament was held over on our forums. The tournament involved 295 games from the Sega Master System library, 61 polls and over 2000 votes to decide the best games on system.
Sega8bit Event 2012 by Ian
on 14/07/2012
The fourth annual Sega8bit event took place on July 14th at The Lass O'Gowrie pub in Manchester. As usual, a fantastic time was had by all. Check out the event page for some photos, competition results and video footage.
New site! by Ian
on 25/06/2012
If you're reading this then you've probably already noticed the major change with our website. It's been given the freshening up it's needed for a while, so check it out. Feedback on the forum is much appreciated.
The SMS Quest by Ian
on 01/02/2012
Ninjabearhug, one of our
forumites and all-round SMS
ambassador, has released the
first episode of his new
YouTube series, The SMS
Quest. Check out the
dedicated thread on our forum
to provide feedback.
Easter Eggs by Ian
on 25/11/2011
We have created a new article that contains a compiled list of known Easter Eggs that appear in Sega Master System Games. If you know of any Easter Eggs we're missing, please let us know over on the forums.
Digger Chan out now! by Ian
on 22/06/2011
Die hard Master System fans Aypok and Playgeneration have been working away for quite some time to bring us their very own homebrew effort on cartridge - Digger Chan. Information and footage of the game is available on the Digger Chan website.
Hint Sheets by Ian
on 08/11/2010
In the States, back in the 80's and 90's, you could call 1-800-USA-SEGA, talk to game counselors and get tips and hints. After a while they started sending out hint sheets. Thanks to 'Tears of Opa Opa', we now provide scans of these sheets.
More game guides by Ian
on 07/06/2010
As well as the Action Fighter guide I created recently, I have now added a guide for the notoriously difficult Shadow of the Beast. If you have any requests or would like to submit your own guide then get in touch.
Action Fighter Game Guide by Ian
on 03/04/2010
I have recently created a game guide for Action Fighter. A new Games Guide section has also been added to the site to coincide with this. I'll be looking to add more of these in future so if you have any requests you can let us know in the forum.
Updates and Such by Stan
on 20/02/2010
Here are some quick updates.
First off, I've added about sixty
more pictures to the games
database. Then, for those of you
wondering what's next in the
programming tutorial, I'm going to
finish up the section that's nearly
complete and get it ready to go.
Secret Santa 2009 by Stan
on 06/10/2009
Well, this year we're trying to
draw more attention to it and
avoid the shipping problems that
have plagued previous years. At
any rate, if you didn't notice it
already, get over to the forum
and join up for this year's
Sega8Bit Secret Santa event!
New Stuff and Stuff by Stan
on 03/10/2009
Well, in case you didn't hear
about it, on the request of a few
members, we started up a High
Score Club here at Sega8Bit. If you think you can beat those scores and want to get involved you can submit
your own scores over in the forum.