This page exists to serve as an index for links to members collection pages. If you would like to showcase your collection on this page then please send images to andy@sega8bit.com or contact Stan on the forum with your information and pictures! Take as many as you want and go nuts with it.
You can send as many images as you want, but please don't send excessively large sized files over e-mail without first asking. You should ZIP or RAR all your photos into a single file before sending. If you PM Stan on the forum, however, you can place into your message links to your pictures or file locations so they can be downloaded, saved, altered, and placed into the site database. If you wish you can include some comments to be included on your page. Check out some of the collections below to get an idea for how to set up your own page before you send your stuff. As you alter what you have, keep us updated and make everyone else jealous (but don't expect rupert to care)!
- Chuck's Collection
- chunkchenko's Collection
- Martin Law's Collection
- King Rupert's Collection
- Kungfukid's Collection
- Matt Barnett's Collection
- Sinistral's Collection
- Stan's Collection
- Wonderboy's Collection
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