Well, it’s been fun writing this first mini-article as a bit of a tester, but I'm sure you've not really read all my nattering anyway. I wanted to reach a conclusion about those early arcade conversions, and I think I have, the games, although decent enough to play in their own right just have no business calling themselves an "arcade experience at home", sadly most games machines promised us this, but none delivered, Its a little different nowadays where 3-D gaming has taken over and home systems are in some cases more powerful than arcade machines. I'll say one thing for Sega - they did try to make this dream a reality, sadly due to limits of the hardware available this was never going to be a realistic goal.

If you think that those games look nothing like their arcade versions you should have a good laugh at these :

Arcade Moonwalker Screen

Master System Moonwalker Screen

Arcade Enduro Racer Screen

Master System Enduro Racer Screen

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