Full Title: Aerial Assault
Other Released Names: N/A
First Release Year: 1990
Game Genre: Shooting
Max Players: 1
Formats Released: The Two Mega Cartridge
Release and Rarity information
Released Europe
Released USA
Released Brazil
Released JAP
Released Other
Model No:
Rarity: (info)
Cover Art Variation Notes
The US version of the game has strikingly different box art, meant to be purposefully more flashy. The original version, found in Europe and Brazil, features a simple image of an F-15 flying towards an enemy plane firing missiles. The text on the PAL version is much larger and bolder.
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The US version of the game has strikingly different box art, meant to be purposefully more flashy. The original version, found in Europe and Brazil, features a simple image of an F-15 flying towards an enemy plane firing missiles. The text on the PAL version is much larger and bolder.
Box Text
"The N.A.C, a terrorist organisation, has built a laser emitter- "EL"- that is causing panic, as it is capable of destroying the ozone layer. We need you to pilot the freedom fighter, and advanced fighter that may be the only means to crush the enemy!"
Pro Action Replay Codes

00C1 3909 Infinite Lives
00C1 3709 Infinite Bombs
00D0 03XX Trigger music and sound effects (replace XX with 81-9D. You must enable and disable the code for it to work. The sounds will replace those already programmed to activate.)
00C1 39XX Bomb Modifer (replace XX with 00-04)
00 - Normal
01 - Cluster
02 - Air To Surface
03 - Blockbuster
04 - Fireball
00C1 4201 Always have Forcefield
00C1 4103 Always have Max Speed
00C1 34XX Start on Round (replace XX with 00-04)
00C1 35XX Shot Modifier (replace XX with 00-08)
00 - Normal
01 - 3 Way
02 - 8 Way Burst
03 - Laser
04 - Wave
05 - Missile
06 - Flak Cannon
07 - 8 Way
08 - Directional Blaster

Cheat mode
At the title screen, hold Up and press 1, 2, 1 on controller 2. A letter T will appear at the upper right of the screen, confirming the code. Now during the game, use one of the following commands on controller 2:
Button 1 - 9 lives
Button 2 - 99 bombs and shield
Up - Skip level

Related Files
Manual Scan
Manual Scan of the European manual (by Andy Allison) in .PDF format (Adobe acrobat required to view) 3.77MB in size
Download or view (in a new window)

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